How to Color Scheme

The color scheme is only a guideline for the composition of colors
harmonious and attractive. If the guidelines are implemented, will greatly assist
and makes it easy to find a combination with the impression as planned.
A. Monochromatic color scheme
Monochromatic schemes use colors that blend together, but
different purity, so that when viewed at a glance it will look the same, but
different brightness. For example, some of the same red color, but the
a brilliant, others dim, and so on.
Example: Red Bright and Dull red, orange dimmed with bright orange
2. The color scheme Analogus
Analogus color scheme is a combination of adjacent colors
located in the color circle.
Example: Green to yellowish green and bluish green, purple with purple
reddish and bluish purple, red with red and purplish red kejinggaan
3. The color scheme Triadik
The color scheme colors Triadik is located at the vertex of the triangle
same side of the color lingakarn. Example: Green and Red with Orange, Green
with purple and orange, yellow and blue with red
4. Split-Complementary color schemes
Split-Complementary color schemes use a combination of colors
bersebrangan each location in the color circle.
Example: Red with green, yellow-green with reddish purple
5. Complementary Color Scheme
Complementary color schemes combine colors which are located
at all points that form the letter Y on the color circle. Example: Blue with
yellowish orange and reddish orange, yellow with purple and reddish purple
bluish, Orange with blue-purple and turquoise
6. The color scheme of polychromatic
Polychromatic color scheme is a resistance or a combination of colors
obtained darirangkaian 4 colors in the color circle, which occurs from 2 colors
complement face to face. Example: red versus green with yellow
orange versus blue violet, blue versus orange with light green versus violet,
violet opposed to yellow with pink light green opponent

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