how to hot colors and cool colors

All colors each have a temperature so as to
visual sensation (sight) will be feeling the heat and cold. qualification
color temperature can be seen in the color circle. Yellow, orange, yellow
orange, red orange, red and violet colors including hot. yellow
green, green, blue green, blue, blue violet and violet including a cold color.
Red, orange red and orange are colors that are most
heat was the color blue, green, blue and green are the colors of the coldest.
Green and violet colors are the hot colors with cool colors,
because if it turns into a green-colored yellowish green, the color will be
be a hot color, and would be cool if it turned into a bluish,
as well as the violet color will be hot when turned into a violet color
reddish color and a cool blue when turned into violet.
Hot colors give a sense of joy and evocative, while the color
cooler provides a sense of calm and quiet. Hot colors make an object
look bigger, closer and give a sense of warmth. cool colors
properties have sunk so that it looks smaller, far and gives the impression

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